
Hi, my name is Mark Alger. I have been producing digital images for print for many years, starting in earnest wihen I lived in Oxfordshire, continuing to do so now that I am based in Hampshire.
Within this site you will find a selection of images, some recent, the rest aquired over many years of of image making. As you will see most of my interest is in outdoor photography (it's an excuse to get out really).Nevertheless, I do enjoy indoor image making, using the available natural light source, wherever possible. My aim is to produce images that are evocative and sometime intriguing. Unsurprisingly this isn't always possible, in fact rarlely does this happen. However, on those occasions that it does, it can be deeply satisfying. I get great enjoyment from the process of seeking out images, I hope you, as a viewer, take some enjoyment from them too.

All of the images that can be found within the site are available as archval prints (for further information on prints and paper please refer to the 'Print Info' section).If you are a return visitor to the site and are looking for a print that you have seen before but is no longer here, then please contact me ( and I will try to help with your request.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mark Alger